
Cook, Taste & Learn

6th November 2014

A Cook, Taste & Learn session was held at the Swanbank Distribution Centre yesterday (5th November) for the first time.

12 people who had attended the centre for a food parcel watched the cookery demonstration using basic ingredients from the Foodbank.

At the end of the session they were able to taste the simple fishcake and carrot dish and were given a recipe sheet so that they could recreate it at home.

One of the aims is to inform and to educate Foodbank guests about healthier eating, food prep and cooking techniques.

Rev. Howard Jones led the session: “I was extremely pleased with how the cooking session went, particularly with the way that the Foodbank guests engaged.

“They seemed keen to go home and cook for themselves the dish that I had demonstrated for them.”

One guest said, “I will definitely be cooking this dish for my family later this week and will come back to the Foodbank next week to let you know how I went on”.

A second Cook, Taste & Learn session will be held again at Swanbank on the 10th December and it is hoped that they will be extended to other Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank distribution centres across the City over the coming months.

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